Monday, December 24, 2012

DIY Ombre, Cupcakes and Meds

Ombre-d my hair yesterday using Tony Moly Hair Bleach and Tony Boly Berry Trendy in Milky Blonde

Used the Hair Dye on my black roots then the bleach for the bottom part :) Quite satisfied with the end results of my DIY Ombre! YEY! I made sure it's gradient and not like really pin straight hair dye at the middle section.

But it's not finished's a bit orange-y because of the bleach still need to put a blonde dye over it to complete the look :D

moving on...


bought it @ SM Mall of Asia, they have a stall at ground floor near Ice Skating rink.

2 Rainbow cupcakes, 1 Red Velvet & 1 Cookie Cupcake

Le Rainbow cupcake

Inside Rainbow cupcake

hahaha! LOL at the bite marks on the frosting.. :))) it's because of my braces

Last, my meds :( for my headache, cough and cramps